Design Engineering

Dynasty Group, Inc. provides design engineering services applicable to transportation systems, utility systems and site development projects. Our ability to provide comprehensive design engineering services comes from the successful assembly and integration of multiple engineering specialties into one resource, which affords clients the ability to fulfill all the needs of project design from one service provider.

Dynasty Group engineers are trained to keep the client’s objectives foremost in their mind as they work through the creation of a design solution. They are cognizant that the development of any design is driven as much by the existing conditions of the site, the availability of supporting infrastructure, and the constructability of the proposed improvements as it is by the ultimate function of the facility. Our engineers, with the client, evaluate multiple design concepts before selecting the one best suited for the project, understanding that the option that is least expensive to construct may not necessarily be the right choice. The past application of design engineering services across a variety of project types means that our engineers have the experience necessary to achieve project objectives regardless of the obstacles encountered, such as permit requirements. Our managers and engineers are capable of quickly moving a project through the often lengthy regulatory approval process and on to the construction phase.

Dynasty Group’s design engineering services can be applied to a broad range of project types, including highway, local roads and mass transit projects, the development of commercial, industrial, educational, medical and recreational facilities, the maintenance and expansion of municipal utility networks and facilities, and the preservation of historic structures.

Utility Systems
Storm Water Management
Maintenance of Traffic
Site Development
Transit Facilities
Parking Lots
Utility Systems
Storm Water Management Systems
Parks/Athletic Fields
Industrial Facilities
 Design Engineering
 Construction Engineering
 Nondestructive Testing
 BIM/GIS Support
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